
All of my life I thought that I never slept good. I could be in bed for 10 hours and wake up feeling exhausted; as if I had never slept. (It really was a miracle I got through college. I spent most of my classes with my eyes closed and my head on my desk. I just listened because I was too tired to keep my eyes open.) I just thought this was my lot in life. I also had near constant indigestion, bloating, and very loose bowels. At the age of 15, I remember being tested for Giardia and other intestinal problems. The tests all came back negative (this didn’t stop the doctors from giving me a medication for Giardia though). Again, I just thought this was my tough luck. I also had near constant post nasal drip, runny nose, phlegm in my throat, and a mild sinus infection. At the age of 16 my mother took me to an MD, who looked at my sinuses, said they were fine, but offered to do surgery just to see if it would help; which we declined. So I thought: “Everyone is different, so I just have indigestion, post nasal drip, a constant sinus infection, and I never sleep good. I will just have to live with it.” I never considered that I had allergies because I felt this way all of the time. I didn’t react to animals and I never felt any different depending on the change in the season. I had no idea that my problem was food sensitivities. I never felt any different because I was reacting to EVERYTHING that I ate. I had soooo many food sensitivities (not the obvious allergic reactions). Well I have since learned that allergies and sensitivities are an energy drain; they wipe you out. If you are always eating food you are reacting to then it makes sense to have constant indigestion, and mucous in your respiratory passages. NAET has changed my life. Those problems are gone. I feel better now on 6 hours of sleep compared to 10 hours in the past (but I like 8 hours, as I recommend to my patients). NAET is life changing. I first experienced it myself and now I get to help others.
“NAET is life changing. I first experienced it myself and now, I get to help others.” – Dr. Josh Christensen, D.C.

I can honestly say Muscle Activation Treatment changed my life!! After giving birth to my daughter 9 years ago, my body was never the same. I was healthy, and in my late 20’s, but every morning when I got out of bed I felt like I had the aches and pains of an old woman. My neck and upper back hurt all the time, and I was constantly taking ibprofin to try to ease the pain. I started going to a chiropractor- it was helpful, but I only felt relief for a couple of days after my adjustments, and then the pain would return. For years, I went to the chiropractor every two weeks just to function.
About a year ago I was introduced to Muscle Activation Treatment by Dr. Tuft. I decided I had nothing to lose, and that I’d try it. It was no surprise after doing the testing that I had dozens of muscles that were not working correctly. No wonder I was always in pain! We went through and treated each muscle and I was honestly astonished at the difference in my life! It was miraculous! For the first time in years, I was waking up and hopping out of bed with absolutely NO PAIN in my neck or back, and NO PAIN throughout the day! Muscle Activation Treatment corrected so many problems that I wasn’t even aware I had in my body. I am so grateful for the ability it’s given me to be more active and able to do hard workouts again, to keep up with my kids, and to have energy to do all the things that I want to do in my life and with my body! It’s been such a gift! Dr. Tuft and Ellen are truly the best!
+Before being treated at Cornerstone Healing, I struggled with frequent headaches and recurring lower back pain. I had all my muscles checked for functionality and several were found to be lacking in performance. Over a few weeks I was able to have all those muscles activated and also received chiropractic care to align my spine from neck to lower back. During these treatments, I also learned about other ways I could help myself gain a higher level of health and wellness. The results have been wonderful!
In my former life I accepted headaches as my lot and at least once a month would have to call in sick to work because of them. I was not happy with having to take medications to try and treat the pain. At the same time, my lower back would flare up every couple of weeks and limit my level of activity and enjoyment of life. Since receiving care from the doctors at Cornerstone Healing my life has changed dramatically for the good. I rarely experience headaches and if I do, they are mild and easily treated with hydration and rest. My back feels so much better and I’m able to exercise and be active at a much higher and enjoyable level than before.
My treatment at Cornerstone Healing has also resulted in me seeking out a healthier lifestyle in the areas of nutrition, sleep, back strengthening exercises, and mental health. I’m in the best shape of my life and in the past 18 months successfully completed two 48-hour running relay events with friends (RAGNAR), two triathlons, and an 80-mile bike ride over two mountain passes totaling 4500 feet in elevation gained.
I am deeply grateful to the doctors at Cornerstone Healing. Their knowledgeable and professional care has made a lasting positive impact in my life.
I’m in my early 60’s and all my life I’ve enjoyed being active, doing things like hiking, triathlons, half marathons, 5k and 10k races, etc. About 8 years ago, a friend invited me to play early morning basketball with a bunch of great guys. After a year of playing, I started to feel pain in my left foot. I visited a physical therapist who diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis and gave me exercises and recommended orthopedic implants to wear in my shoes. I diligently did the exercises and continued playing with the implants in my shoes, but I was not getting better. Each step I took would cause pain, but I didn’t want to stop being active. I decided to call Josh. He introduced me to a new FDA-approved laser that works to repair the foot. I went to my 8 scheduled sessions and initially felt no different but within 3 months all the pain was gone. That was 3 years ago, and I’m playing basketball 3 times a week and have no pain at all. My daughter is a runner and I recommended her to Josh. She had suffered with plantar fasciitis for years. She would run in tears because of the pain. She went through the treatment and her foot is healed. I asked her last week how her foot was (right after she ran a marathon) and she responded that she had forgot that she used to have that foot problem. I RECOMMEND JOSH TO ANYONE WHO IS SUFFERING FROM PLANTAR FASCITIS OR ANY FOOT INJURY. His treatment has made a difference in my life.

“Because of NAET, I feel healthier, stronger, and more confident in myself.”
Thanks to Dr. Christensen, I have no more allergies! The NAET treatments have made my life less stressful and easy! Before NAET, I had really bad seasonal allergies and others I didn’t know of. They congested my sinuses and cause me to have poor hearing. This became really frustrating, especially in school, or when I was trying to have a conversation. Neighbors and friends had told me about the NAET treatments and I admit that I thought it was too good to be true. To my surprise I’ve found that NAET is easy, painless, fast, and reliable! My hearing is back to normal and I don’t have to worry about annoying people by asking them to repeat things. I am also doing a lot better in school because I can hear. Because of NAET I feel healthier, stronger, and more confident in myself.
Thank you Dr. Christensen!

No more fruit, animal, or seasonal allergies!
Before NAET whenever I ate fruit it gave me an itchy throat and swollen lips, but now nothing!
Whenever I was around animals or went outside, I had itchy, watery eyes. I was sneezing all the time and had a stuffy nose. Now that is all fixed.
I can now be closer to my pets, can eat all my fruits, and can mess around outside without any allergic reactions. I have a lot more energy! It is just easier to live life!
Thank you Dr. Christensen!
I have gone to Dr. Christensen for years and he has helped me so much! I have scoliosis and have found that if I go to Dr. Christensen once every three months for regular/maintenance visits, I am pain free! He is wonderful!