Muscle Activation

Muscle Activation is a procedure that can restore proper muscular function and support to the large skeletal muscles of the body.  Muscles support the body, if they are not doing their job properly, that unsupported area will break down and pain and limited movement will be the result.  Muscle Activation stimulates nerve endings and acupressure points by hand to get the muscle working again.  Your comprehensive exam will reveal the areas of dysfunction (it will be really obvious when things are not working right…you will feel the difference).  This exam will show you the cause of your pain based on the function of your muscles. Treatment will consist of stimulating the muscles to get them supporting your body so you can start to heal.  Think of Muscle Activation like turning a switch on inside of the brain.  Incredibly it takes just 10 minutes to get a muscle to start working; and once the muscle starts working it should stay working for ever!  We never expect to fix the same muscle twice (unless there is a new injury).  It really should be a long term resolution to your problem.  In addition to Muscle Activation, chiropractic adjustments may be administered as appropriate.

Muscle Activation can help or completely fix most musculo-skeletal conditions (neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle, knee, hip, and foot pain).  Basically, if it bends and moves we can usually fix it.  We can also help with headaches, TMJ pain, numbness, tingling, sciatica, disc pain, nerve pain and common chiropractic conditions.

Over the years we have witnessed too many miracles to be able to count all of them.  However, sometimes a condition is too far gone and will not heal on its own.  If the doctors determine that muscle activation is not the right treatment for your condition, they will refer you to another practitioner.

Watch a video of Dr. Christensen explaining what you will experience in the Muscle Activation:

Helping You Heal is Our Mission.


(801) 451-6010

1353 N 1075 W #1 Farmington, Utah 84025


Monday – Friday  8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch  12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.